Cajun Corner – Vol. 2, No. 16 – APRIL 23, 2010
Bon Jour! Welcome to Cajun Stitchery’s weekly email and welcome to our family.
Don’t forget to visit often.
Yesterday was Earth Day. What did you do for Earth Day? At Cajun Stitchery, we spent time learning to fuse plastic bags from an Etsy video on the internet. If all works well, you will see some of our designs using fused plastic bags in the near future.
We began trying to put the cap sash on Boudreaux yesterday. It appears that we were missing a few screws – for installation of the sash, that is. We have had Boudreaux for one year and we know he is capable of embroidery on ball caps. The information that we have read and heard about the cap attachment left us afraid to even try it. Several people have requested them but we have always put them off because the attachment is so ominous. We decided to bite the bullet and overcome our fear and put the thing together. We had manuals out and watched videos and when all was said and done, we were missing 2 screws. We have ordered the screws and they should be here next week, when we will try again.
This week has been full of Etsy. I’m trying to get that store up and running. We had one sale and finally got to see PayPal work from a seller’s point of view. It is a piece of cake. All of that fretfulness was for nothing. As you know, all of our handmade items are sold on Etsy. Our one Etsy sale was a friend who purchased 2 handkerchiefs off of Etsy and then hired us to embroider the handkerchiefs. That is the way it is supposed to work.
Additionally, this week we’ve worked on several designs, just because. There are so many beautiful stock designs that I would love to stitch out. There are also series of designs. For instance, this week we stitched out the cutest little frog. That design was one of a series.
I learned a new term this week. Kitsch, defined as “over the top.” I was working on a few items for Etsy trying to be real creative and kitsch and embroidered some lips. The lips are another instance of a series of designs. They are so kitsch and cute. Simply lips showing many different expressions.
The garden is beautiful this time of year. We eat fresh salads almost every evening. The romaine lettuce is abundant – sure wish someone would take some of this romaine lettuce off of our hands before it goes to seed. There isn’t a lot you can do with lettuce other than eat it fresh. You cannot can or freeze it. I’ve heard some people cook it but I’m not one of those people. If it’s not used, it just goes to waste. At least over here it’s not completely wasted since we will recycle it in our compost.
The asparagus is being harvested every day. The broccoli is holding its own. The garlic and onions are almost ready to bloom. Our one horseradish is now two. I am anxious for our big tomatoes and bell peppers to start producing. There are flowers on all of those plants. The idea of leaving one area of the yard for the blackberries may have been a good idea because that area is covered in berries but are not ripe enough to pick yet. And Sassy Satsuma and the blueberry plants are starting to drop flowers and turn into fruit.
We thought we lost the banana trees but they seem to be coming back, albeit slow.
The little fuzzies from the oak trees are just about finished falling. They left behind a beautiful layer of mulch on all of the gardens. Of course, George will probably have to get back on the roofs and get the remaining fuzzies off. I’m just glad the dogs are not dragging so much of it into the house.
My next door neighbor is moving back up north. Last night she and I got together for a glass of wine and a game of Scrabble. She was here when Mama was here. She held me the night Mama was dying. I’m certainly going to miss her. We have so much fun together. Her new job is just one of those opportunities in life that you have to take. We are planning a going away party on May 7th. I’m boiling shrimp and others are bringing desserts and appetizers. It should be a good time for all.
Last night we laughed at how Mama would cheat at Scrabble. Now I’m sure my mother would take offense at me saying that she cheated, but she did. If she got a Scrabble tile that she didn’t want, she would silently drop it on the carpet beneath her and say, “Oh, I don’t have enough tiles, let me get another.” Mama was impish like that.
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Always remember that we are just a call or email away at or 850-261-2462 and place your order.
Thanks to Marshall Larrevere for this week’s Cajun Joke:
Boudreaux met a beautiful blonde, and he decided he wanted to marry her
right away. She said, "But we don't know anything about each other."
Boudreaux said, "Dat's all right, we'll learn about each odder, as we go along."
So she consented, and they were married, and went on their
honeymoon to a very nice resort. One morning they were lying by the
pool when Boudreaux got up off of his towel, climbed up to the 10-meter
board and did a two and a half tuck gainer. This was followed by a
three-rotation jackknife where he straightened out and cut the water like a
After a few more demonstrations, he came back and lay down on the
towel, beside her.
She said," That was incredible!"
Boudreaux said, "Ah used to be an Olympic diving champion. You see, Ah tole you
we'd learn more about ourselves as we went along."
So she got up, jumped in the pool, and started doing laps.. After
about thirty laps she climbed back out and lay down next to him on
her towel, not even breathing hard.
Boudreaux said, "Dat was incredible! Were you an Olympic endurance
"No." she said, "I was a hooker in Golden Meadow, Louisiana ,
but I worked both sides of the bayou!"
French phrase of the week: Ça boit et ça fume et ça couche au serein. (They drink and they smoke and they stay out all night.)
Fusing Plastic Bags (thanks to Etsy for the idea)
Cut the handles and the bottom off of plastic bags, leaving only a round piece of plastic, open at the top and bottom. Fold in half (making 4 layers), then fold in half again (making 8 layers). Place the folded plastic between 2 sheets of wax or parchment paper. Iron the paper (no steam) for 10-15 seconds. Do not rest the iron in any one place. Turn the sandwich over and iron the other side for 10-15 seconds. Pull back the paper and you are left with fused plastic that can be cut and sewn. If the fused plastic has any air bubbles, put it back in the paper sandwich and iron again in those areas. It will take some trial and error but this is very simple. If there is printing on the plastic, turn the bag inside out to avoid ironing on the ink. Once done the fused plastic can be used as fabric for all sorts of projects.
Please let me know if there is something that you would like to see in the weekly email. You may always call me at (850) 261-2462 or email me at
If you are not a subscriber and would like to receive Cajun Corner weekly, please email and let me know to put you on our email list.
C’est tout, mes amis
Peggy Henshall
Cajun Stitchery
(850) 261-2462
P.S. You are always welcome to stop by and look at all of the catalogs and pass some time with me, cher.
SALE OF THE WEEK (Good through Thursday, April 29, 2010)
The weather is warming and the beaches are filling. Get a tye dyed beach towel this year.
Sale: 1 beach towel = $20.00 (embroidery extra)
ColorTone - #T7000
Spider Beach Towel
Colors: baby blue, black, gold, Kelly, lavender, lime, navy, orange, pink, plum, purple, red, royal blue, turquoise
30 X 60 Beach towel. Over 1 lbs. each
See attached photograph.
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