Cajun Corner – Vol.
4, No. 24 – June 24, 2012
Jour! Welcome to Cajun
Stitchery’s weekly email and welcome to our family.
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My poor cat, Tigger, went to meet his maker this
past Monday. This one really hit me hard
and I cried all day. He had the loudest
purr of any cat that I’ve ever heard. He
was very cuddly and would curl up on the sofa with me while I watched TV or in
bed at night. I do miss my Tigger.
Hurricane season is June through November. Tropical Storm Debbie is passing by Pensacola as I type. We don’t have rain yet but it looks like any
minute I’ll be able to use the phrase -- Merde! Il Pleut. George is outside doing some rush lawn work
right now. My friends and family in and
about Tampa
have informed me that they have had about 20 hours of rain. My son says they really need the rain, so it
is not necessarily a bad thing.
Yesterday, I hosted a delightful lunch for two of
my friends. I cleaned house all morning
and I’m feeling really good right now because I don’t have that on my punch
list today.
During our luncheon, the girls asked me to take
them on a tour of our gardens. Oh, how I
love our gardens. George and I are in
the garden doing something everyday and we notice things like “shouldn’t this
plant have fruited by now” or “we need to fertilize”, etc. My friends made me step back and say,
“Wow! This is really cool.”
Everyone should have a garden. It takes nothing but effort because it sure
doesn’t have to cost anything. Seeds are
easy to find. Lots of our seeds come
from the grocery store. A bag of dried
beans are simply bean seeds. Yes, you
can plant them. Beans are wonderful to
grow because they add nitrogen to the soil and nitrogen is very important. I like to plant beans in all of my beds. Pepper seeds are easy to find. If you buy a bell pepper, for instance, or
any fresh pepper for that matter, just scrape out the seeds when you open the
pepper and plant those seeds. You would
scrape out the seeds anyway. Plant the
root end of onions. You cut them off
anyway. Just plant them rather than
throwing them away. The same is true for
the root of celery and tops of carrots.
Sometimes the seeds take and sometimes they do not, but what the heck,
it is free. It is usually something that
you would simply throw away. Squash,
cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, any fruit or vegetable that has seeds or
roots can be used. Sweet potatoes and
white potatoes will grow from the eyes on the potato. We used to use toothpicks to suspend the
sweet potato in a jar of water and let the roots grow. The sweet potato vine is beautiful and very
big. Just remember that some things turn
into trees and some into smaller plants.
Plant accordingly.
Insofar as containers are concerned, the sky is
the limit. Open a can of food and poke a
few holes in the bottom of the can. Fill
the can with dirt and plant a seed. It
isn’t even necessary to clean the can because whatever remains in the can will
be used as fertilizer for the plant. One
of my gardening periodicals is selling burlap bags as containers for
gardening. Yes, you can use fabric or
even plastic bags as containers. I’ve
seen people use old shoes, pots, pails, PVC pipe, anything with a depression
where you can fill with soil. Recently,
I saw a photo on Pinterest where the trunk of a VW was used as a planter. As with the seeds, know how big your plant is
going to be and plant in a container large enough to contain the fully grown
plant comfortably.
Soil for the plants is everywhere. I love planting in sand because it is so easy
to till. Of course, you have to realize
that sand has absolutely no nutrients and you must fertilize frequently. I remember an experiment from when I was a
little girl learning about plants. Take
a piece of paper towel. Wet it. Put a seed on it. Fold the wet paper towel
over and put it in a jar, plate, whatever.
Just make sure the paper towel remains moist. The seed will germinate in a few days. Beans are the most fun for this experiment
because they are large enough to see what is happening. Wet the paper towel and put it in a glass jar
with the seed against the glass on one side and the wet paper towel on the
other. You will be able to watch that
seed germinate because the seed actually carries the nutrients required to
germinate. Of course, once it does
germinate, you need to carefully plant it in a growing medium. It won’t last long on just a wet paper towel
because there are no nutrients. You can
plant the paper towel with the germinated seed.
The paper towel will decompose.
Since plants grow in any organic material, your soil can be sand, water,
dirt, clippings, newspaper, coffee grounds, etc. Some of the best tomatoes that we have ever
grown came from the sewage treatment plant in Orlando .
Humans cannot digest tomato seed and the sewage treatment plants grow
tomatoes all the time. I have often
wondered why the government doesn’t use the tomato plants for the hungry or
even to make some cash to defray expenses.
Fertilizer is easily accessible. From humans to plants, we all need to be fed
to maintain life. Eat unhealthy and you
are unhealthy. Eat healthy and you are
healthy. As I said before, planting beans adds nitrogen
to your soil. If you compost, which is
really easy, (your yard clippings, your garden debris, and your kitchen scraps)
you will have a very nice compost pile full of all of the nutrients and
minerals required by your plants. Use
your compost as your planting soil and your plants have a head start in
life. Even ashes from your chiminea or
grill would be good additions to the compost.
Please don’t forget your coffee grounds because plants love coffee
Space should not be too much of an issue. Perhaps your space availability does not
allow for a large garden, but as long as you have a window with sun, you can
grow plants. Most plants like ample
sunshine but there are some plants that thrive in the shade. Even if you do not have sun, there are grow
lights used for growing plants indoors.
Patio and balcony gardens add beautiful ambiance. Even roof top gardening works well.
If all of that isn’t enough, plants expel oxygen
(which we need) and take in carbon dioxide (which is poison to us).
That is more than enough about gardens and
The shabby
chic, ruffled purse with flowers and rhinestones has been listed in our Etsy
Store for $10. Geez, a lot of work went
into that purse.
Have a wonderful week.
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know you are from Louisiana
when you see something cute and say, “Aw sha.
The Atakapa were the Native Americans living in what is
now Southwest Louisiana :
Atakapa oral history says that they
originated from the sea. An ancestral prophet laid out the rules of conduct.[11]
The first European contact with the
Atakapa may have been in 1528 by survivors of the Spanish Pánfilo de Narváez expedition. Two barges were
blown ashore. One met the Karankawa, while the other probably landed on Galveston
Island. The latter recorded meeting a group who called themselves the Han,
who may have been the Akokisa.[1]
In 1703, Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, the French governor
of La
Louisiane, sent three men to explore the coast west of the Mississippi
River. The seventh nation they encountered were the Atakapa, who captured
and cannibalized one member of their party.[1]
In 1714 this tribe was one of 14 who came to Jean-Michel de Lepinay, who was acting
French Governor of Louisiana between 1717 and 1718,[12]
while he was fortifying Dauphin Island, Alabama.[13]
The Choctaw told the French settlers
about the "People of the West," who represented numerous subdivisions
or tribes. The French referred to them as le sauvage. The name Atakapa
is a Choctaw name meaning "people eater" (hattak 'person', apa
'to eat'),[11]
a reference to the practice of ritual cannibalism.
The Gulf coast peoples practiced this on their enemies.
A French explorer, Francois Simars de Bellisle, lived
among the Atakapa from 1719 to 1721.[1]
He described Atakapa cannibalistic feasts which he observed firsthand.[14]
The practice of cannibalism likely had a religious, ritualistic basis.
Found at:
C’est tout, mes amis
Cajun Stitchery
(850) 261-2462
P.S. You are always
welcome to stop by and look at all of the catalogs and pass some time with me,
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