This computer virus issue keeps coming back to haunt me. After I thought everything was resolved, yesterday afternoon I got a pop-up saying I'm at risk and there are more Trojan Horses in my computer. Well, I had broken down and bought AVG (the creator of AVG, so I understand, is the same guy who originally created Norton -- clever fella). Yes, I paid hard cash. Now I have real technicians to help me. Apparently, they don't do telephone calls and only work off of email. Well, as long as the email is working, I'm okay with that. The technicians and I worked to 2 a.m. (for the second night) on this thing. We've been emailing them since first thing this morning, for day #3. It's comforting to have a technician that you can email and send files and they sound like they know what they are doing. I wonder if they need their logo embroidered on their shirts?
These technicians are really nice and polite. I remember years ago when we were trying to set up mine and George's computers on DSL for the first time. I was on the phone for nearly the entire day. At one point the guy, who spoke only broken English, had told me to unplug George's computer, which I did. Hours later we were still working on it and ready to rock and roll and nothing happened. The guy was telling me to do this and that. Finally, I said "shouldn't I plug this machine in?" He was obviously exasperated with me and said, "M'am, how in the world do you think this computer is going to work without it being plugged in?" I didn't know I was supposed to plug it in. I thought he would tell me, just like he told me to unplug it. I fell apart and started crying and we ended our session. I guess we were both tired and frustrated. Funny that since then we have learned to connect everything to computers and network and everything else. That's probably why the technicians work with you over email, rather than over the phone.
I did, finally, ge
t batteries for my camera yesterday and was able to take photographs of my black and white project. This bag has 2 of the 13" palm trees on it with 3 vertical rows of ric-rac. The coconuts in the trees are beautiful beads that look like Mother of Pearl. The same beads are used at the ends of the pull strings. The double pull strings (on each side) was a favorite of my mother's. She would get annoyed if there was only one pull. The inside is lined in black silky type fabric. This would make a lovely tote for any occasion. It's on the large side and you could easily put a beach towel in it with you other beach stuff like suntan lotion, sun glasses, a book, etc. It would also be good for shopping. The black and white is very en vogue these days.
This morning we looked out our kitchen window to see the 2 red tailed hawks that have taken up residence in our trees. One was perched on our pergola very close to the house. How lucky are we that the hawks would perch so close to humans! Nature is beautiful, as long as we don't mess it up.
We had to order a few more orange t-shirts, which should arrive tomorrow. All of the others are done. We sacrificed the little bowling logo on the front and the words "bowling team" in order to make the words larger. The names are in a semi-circle above "V D L" which is a straight line, on the front, left chest area. I wanted the letters large to give the team a better chance of actually seeing the words, rather than just feeling. Of course, the back has the big bowling ball and pins. No mistaking these are bowling shirts.
It's been a few days since we practiced on the big multi-hooping design. We are ready to start the table cloth now but we both feel we need a little more practice before the final. We were ready to go with it, but since we took the time to get the orange shirts done, we need to get back in the flow for the multi-hooping. It's one of those things where precision is so key that it unnerves us. Especially since this is our first multi-hooping display tablecloth. Someone is paying us good money for this and I want it perfect. The only thing that really worries me is that on one hooping the logo ends with an "i" on the bottom and the next hooping picks up with the next letter in the word, which is an "l". That "i" and "l" will be next to each other and need to be on the exact same line -- not a hair above or below or it will be very noticeable. I'm sure if we did this type of project on a regular basis we not only would be good at it, but we wouldn't be freaking out so much. It's just that this is our first big multi-hooping project.
Until next time.
Maybe you could do a logo for the AVG folks and leave off the "A." Whne thaey notice that the "A" is missing . . . they can e-mail you for "technical support!"